Biostratigraphic Data Conversion Utilities
©1990-2000 Pierre A. Zippi. All rights reserved.

Convert ASCII data files to tab-delimited text spreadsheet data files.

(was NAPDToSpread)
Convert TILIA 2.0 ASCII, North American Pollen Database (NAPD)  ASCII and World Pollen Database ASCII data files to tab-delimited TEXT spreadsheet files. The resulting files may be used with WellPlot, Counter, etc., or spreadsheet, statistics and plotting applications on any platform. 
Convert TILIA ASCII data files to tab-delimited TEXT spreadsheet files. The resulting files may be used with WellPlot, Counter, etc., or spreadsheet, statistics and plotting applications on any platform.
Convert BUGIN ASCII data files to tab-delimited TEXT spreadsheet files. The resulting file may be used with WellPlot, Counter, etc., or spreadsheet, statistics and plotting applications on any platform.
Convert StrataBugs data files to tab-delimited TEXT spreadsheet files. The resulting file may be used with WellPlot, Counter, etc., or spreadsheet, statistics and plotting applications on any platform.
Convert GEOSCI.dat or GEOSCI.bak data files to tab-delimited TEXT spreadsheet files. The resulting file may be used with WellPlot, Counter, etc., or spreadsheet, statistics and plotting applications on any platform.
Convert StratRangeCharter data files to tab-delimited TEXT spreadsheet files. The resulting file may be used with WellPlot, Counter, etc., or spreadsheet, statistics and plotting applications on any platform.

These applications convert ASCII data files to tab-delimited TEXT files.
The resulting files are cross-platfrom (Mac, Windows, DOS, UNIX, etc.)
and may be used with spreadsheet, statistics and plotting applications.
1) Select OPEN from the FILE menu.
2) Select depth or age sample reference (NAPD type only)
3) Open the ASCII data source file.
4) Type in a file name for the converted spreadsheet file and save.
The converted data is saved as an EXCEL TEXT file with:
- depth values in the first column of each row,
- species names in the first row as the column headers, and
- the resulting species-by-sample matrix filled out with the corresponding data.
Only depth, species names and count data are saved.
All commented information is ignored (i.e. all lines staring with the "#" symbol).

Once in spreadsheet format, the utility of the pollen data is greatly enhanced.
Use a proven commercial spreadsheet or statistics application to manipulate the data.
Use WellPlot 2.0 (available from Pierre Zippi) to make attractive diagrams that can be incorporated
into virtually any Macintosh document and many Windows documents.

Price: $150 US retail if purchased separately. Free with WellPlot 2.0.

Pierre A. Zippi
7518 Twin Oaks Court
Garland, Texas 75044



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